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Point-of-use shower Legionella filter

Point-of-use shower Legionella filter


Marked Medical Device


■Safe protection against waterborne bacteria

■Operating time of up to 1 month

■Hygienic design to avoid retrograde



Baclyser® S (1M)

Prevention through water hygiene

Water supply systems are a major source of nosocomial in- fections. Point-of-use membrane filters – installed directly at the water outlet – are an established method of protecting patients against waterborne bacteria. In medical facilities, point-of-use bacterial filters are used either reactively, as an immediate solution in the event of contamination with pathogens such as Legionella or pseudomonas or proactively, to deliver consistent protection to high risk patients from the ever present risk of infection.

Baclyser® S (1M)

The Baclyser® S (1M) point-of-use water filter is a  -marked medical product. It is a disposable shower head enclosing a hollow fibre membrane water filter with a proven retention efficiency of 7 Log steps for Brevundimonas diminuta (the smallest water bacterium). This complies with the FDA definition of sterile filtrated water. Thus, all waterborne bacteria such as pseudomonas and legionella are blocked by the filter. Additionally the shower head has been hygienically designed using material with bactericidal properties (copper-plated shower

Health Technical Memorandum (HTM04-01) highlights the use of point-of-use filters as an acceptable control measure in healthcare environments. Part B: Operational Management indicates that, in high risk areas such as haematology, oncology, neurosurgery, transplant units or accommodation for older people, point-of-use filters should be considered in the event of any positive Legionella or Pseudomonas sample results.

rose) to help prevent retrograde contamination. The filter is designed to deliver a consistent bacteriological performance at the design flow rate for the up to 1-month dependent on water quality. On expiry of the operating time, the used shower head should be changed and disposed of responsibly. The shower head can be easily changed thanks to its G1⁄2ʺ screw thread. The individual barcode on each shower head provides tracea- bility and supports the hospitals documentation processes and hygiene routines.


Technical data

■ Size: L220mm,Ø44mm
■ Bacteria retention: 7 log steps, Brev. diminuta
■ Pore size: 0.2 μm
■ Operating time*: max. 1 month (31 days)
■ Chlorine resistance**: ≤ 10 ppm

■ Flowrate:11l/min(at5bar,at30°C)
■ Max. operating pressure***: 5 bar

■ Max. operating temperature: 60°C (70 °C (≤ 30 min. over the operating time)

■ Connection: G1⁄2ʺ screw thread

■ Certification: WRAS


The shower filter is also available as a gamma sterilized product Baclyser® S (1M) sterile.


* Depending on the water quality.
** Continuous dosage of ≤ 10 ppm over operating time; short-term

*** Not suitable for connection to low-pressure systems (e.g. boilers)


h) high dosage (400,000 ppm) for chemical disinfection.



Baclyser S 1 month Medical Legionella shower filter

SKU: 100761
Excluding VAT
Price Options
One-time purchase
Never forget to change filters and save 5%
£28.99every month until canceled
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